Born in a Rush | Kapiolani Medical Center | Honolulu Birth Photographer and Videographer
Eliana’s birth was a whirlwind birth. One of those where you don’t expect a first time mom to speed through active labor. But that’s exactly what happened.
Lynn went from 5cm to 10cm in a matter of minutes. I was already on my way when her husband Melson called, a little bit out of breath, saying she was fully dilated and ready to push. It was 11:37PM on July 18, 2018.
As I rushed to Kapiolani Medical Center as safely as I could, parked and literally ran upstairs, I made it to the room just as she had started doing some practice pushes. But Lynn and Eliana needed no practice pushes, and short after, just as July 29 rolled in, at 12:13AM, Eliana joined us earthside.
In the video you’ll see Lynn shaking. That is very normal for mothers who have epidurals, and even more so when the body goes through active labor, transition and delivery that fast. The hormones are running high, and she did a beautiful job calming herself as Eliana was put on her chest, pink and crying up a storm.
I stayed with them till they went up to the recovery room and had the chance to film while daddy introduced his baby girl to his favorite music genre: country.
I am honored to have been there for such an amazing delivery! Thank you Lynn, Melson and Eliana. You guys are so amazing and I’m so glad I met you all!