The first 50 days | A Year in Pictures

Since I've made it through the first 50 days, I figure I can officially announce that I'm doing a 365 project this year.

I've been sticking to really documenting details about the kids' daily lives so that we can all look back on these moments and remember the year... a year that started with so much sickness but has already taken a turn for the best!

Day 01 - Got the dreaded flu in Washington State and had to fly home as sick as dogs. But we made it.

Day 02 - Our 5th febrile seizure in 3 years happened today. I'll never get over the gut wrenching feeling of seeing my daughter go through this.

Day 03 - Sick days calls for lots of painting time... and staying in our undies.

Day 04 - Lots of popsicles and movies to keep fevers down.

Day 05 - Still sick, so the balance bike debut had to be indoors.

Day 06 - Still holed up inside but things have finally taken a turn for the better today.

Day 07 - Today was the first day that we all felt somewhat like normal people. Maili even asked to go outside!

Day 08 - These last 8 days of sickness have pushed me to keep picking up my camera and documenting our first days of 2017 even if they're not the best days.

Day 09 - This couch has been everyone's favorite spot since we got back home.

Day 10 - First day back to school for Lukka and back to work for dad, so us girls enjoyed the morning sun while I sipped my first cup of coffee in days!

Day 11 - We finally played outside for a bit today! And under the waxing moon to make it even more special and exciting!

Day 12 - Our daily ordeal! Undoing the crazy dreadlocks she does in her hair. Bonus points for catching her sucking on her thumb and digging in her nose at the same time :)

Day 13 - Dropped off the boys at school and work this morning and noticed how voggy the air was, so we went on an impromptu exploring adventure to catch that amazing light.

Day 14 - Finally well enough to go to the ocean!

Day 15 - We might've stayed too long without going in the ocean! Lukka complained his ears were cold, his legs were cold, that there was water inside his wetsuit... Saltwater therapy is planned for the next week!

Day 16 - First test drive at the brand new Proper Rideshop 2.0

Day 17 - Had the playground all to ourselves!

Day 18 - While Lukka takes drum lessons, we explore the neighborhood's cool murals.

Day 19 - Collecting coffee cherries from the ground at the coffee farm

Day 20 - Finally testing out the new balance bike that grandma and grandpa gave her for Christmas!

Day 21 - Pj Masks at Target so I can remember the way she says Owlette "Owe-ette"

Day 22 - Finally getting back to our Hickam Nights

Day 23 - Today was the first day since school started 2 weeks ago that he didn't wake up crying. We're finally beating this anxiety thing!

Day 24 - Country bike rides

Day 25 - The day he gave his heart to Jesus <3

Day 26 - Double rainbow!

Day 27 - Movie Night at our Elementary School.

Day 28 - Maili fell face first on the parking lot yesterday night. This is her swollen face when she woke up this morning.

Day 29 - Cake pops at Target. Every.single.time.

Day 30 - Lots of arnica and her face is finally not swollen and less bruised. Poor thing!

Day 31 - Skating his ramp as much as possible because we found out today we have to move by March 1st and we don't know if we'll be able to re-install the ramp.

Day 32 - Getting weird at the ramp with double exposures.

Day 33 - Skipped school for this after a night of growing pains.

Day 34 - Finding new spots to explore! 

Day 35 - One is strong willed and independent. The other is emotional and insecure. They couldn't be more different from each other, but they both have equal parts of my heart.

Day 36 - An afternoon in Kailua playing in the baby waves.

Day 37 - Bedhead and waffles before school.

Day 38 - Breakfast out... just us girls.

Day 39 - Playing with the neighbor's toys :D

Day 40 - "Lukka is not sharing!"

Day 41 - Play-doh obsessed.

Day 42 - Adventures in the valley.

Day 43 - Gorgeous sunset after a day of intense storms.

Day 44 - Skating in your underwear has to be a thing.

Day 45 - We found an amazing new place to live! God is so good and we're excited to move in in a few weeks!

Day 46 - Post drum lesson snacks at Green World Coffee Farm.

Day 47 - Impromptu snorkeling adventures at secret tidepools.

Day 48 - The best place to have gelato because of her dairy allergy. So many vegan options!

Day 49 - Nailing new tricks.

Day 50 - Gonna miss seeing him climb this wall.